Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sunbeams Through The Clouds

Well it's been a while, my minions, but I have decided to grace you once more with my artistically articulated allusions, assumptions, and allegations. I'm in rare form this evening, or morning, as it were. And it strikes me as odd that I should feel so, for lack of a better word, bouncy.

The divorce is charging closer and my life is about to take a hard turn - left or right, I am unsure. This mental unrest draws clouds over my usually sunny demeanor, and I can't help but feel anxious about what my life will be like when I am once again legally single.

I could jump for joy, but that feels wrong, and at any rate I'm not all that excited about it. Don't get me wrong, I've no love for the notion of remaining in a loveless marriage, but I've been married for nearly five years. FIVE YEARS. For half a decade I've been allowed to be fat and not had to do my own laundry. Now I'm gonna have to get in shape and remember to separate my "whites". I used to just call them socks.

I wonder if I shall thrive in this new paradigm, or hang limply like an old man's... Nevermind. At any rate, you can surely imagine what angst this coming dawn injects me with. So, again, I find it strange that I am all bubbly this morning. I suppose I shouldn't second guess it or think it to death. Chances are tomorrow will bring less desirable emotions, and then I'll be left all pissed off that I didn't enjoy the mood while I could.

So, here's to random bouts of happiness! I hope you have a dose soon yourselves.

Later, bitches.

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