Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Excitement Is A 10-Letter Word

Everyone gets lucky sometimes, even me. I recently met a sweetheart of a girl with a darling country accent who hails from the great state of Georgia. I won't embarass her by giving her name here, but she knows who she is. And she is awesome.

It came as a surprise, really. I put out some feelers and actually managed to get a hit. We've been getting to know each other over the past few weeks and every day the excitement grows. I can't wait to get home to find an email from her, or sit and chat on Messenger. I find myself thinking of her at work, at home, in the shower... Well, c'mon, I'm a guy.

She is a rare gem, shining brighter in every facet as it turns in the sun... Sure, I'm a little sappy, but gimme a break, I was beginning to wonder if I'd ever find such a treasure. And yet, there she was. Timid, but brave enough to take a chance on me. She thinks my girls are adorable, which, of course, they are. :) She's adventurous, sweet, responsible, kind, and just a touch of naughty - it's amazing she was even available to grab up.

Granted, she's not mine yet, but things are progressing well. Every day feels like another step toward a beautiful romance. And those of you who think I'm being a wimp for feeling romantic can eat a giant dick. If I feel the desire to buy flowers and write poetry, it's a good thing. Besides, when you're this awesome, you can't really do much of anything to tarnish your image. :) Okay, that was a little egotistic...

At any rate, I can't wait to see where this rose-colored road leads. I've been lucky so far, perhaps soon I shall add blessed to the list. In any case, the worst that can happen is making a new, awesome friend. Naturally, I'm hoping for more. But it's nice to be in a win-win situation.

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